Monday, September 29, 2008

The Best Natural Remedies for Acid Stomach or Heartburn

What is Acid Stomach or Heartburn
Acid stomach or heartburn causes a burning pain behind the breast bone and upper abdomen and a feeling of food being stuck in the chest area. Heartburn occurs when acid from the stomach regurgitates upwards into the esophagus (gullet). The stomach can tolerate strong acids, but the gullet cannot and this is what causes the discomfort. Heartburn is often aggravated by overeating, too much rich or spicy food, alcohol or stress.

How to Avoid Acid Stomach or Heartburn

Eat little and often, chewing food thoroughly, and avoid heavy evening meals. Cut down on rich, spicy and fatty foods and avoid alcohol, coffee and caffeinated drinks which irritate the stomach. Eat alkaline forming fresh fruit and vegetables to counter acidity, and foods that are easy to digest such as rice, potatoes and fish.

Complimentary Natural Remedies for Preventing Acid Stomach or Heartburn

Drink peppermint or chamomile tea after meals. Regular aromatherapy massage helps relieve attack triggering stress. At home, make a mixture of 2 drops fennel, 2 drops ginger, 1 drop clary sage oil and 10 ml carrier oil and massage over the abdomen before going to bed. Do this for at least one week.

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