Monday, December 15, 2008

Is Chinese Weight Loss Tea Really Effective Or Just a Scam?

Recently, while exploring the web, we have stumbled upon a great and really nice blog resource that deals with health and especially weight loss problems. However, when going to such a website, a person usually thinks that a product or a new pill is going to be lunched here. Well, it wasn't so. This time, the guy who owns the page started it to help people understand and realize the importance of loosing weight using Chinese weight loss tea and everything that is related to that. He is probably a chinese, since his english is not really good and you should be able to distinguish between a guy who speaks english fluently and Huang Jiang, who besides the fact that is a master of preparing free weight loss tea he also practices martial arts and listens to traditional Chinese music. With that being said we thank you for everything that happened to us in this life and wish you a Merry Christmas and success in your new year weight loss campaign.

God Bless You All!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Methods to Stop and How to Quit Smoking Blog Online

For all of you who are into a continuous struggle to give up smoking a great blog was launched. Now you can find a lot of tips and tricks about methods to quit smoking, hypnotherapy to quit smoking and other interesting facts related to this topic by visiting how to quit smoking blog.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cancer Treatments of America - Discover What Cancer Is Really About

Cancer is a genetic malformation. There are approximately 75 trillion cells in the human body. Every single second, millions of cells die are and are eliminated while sweating or breathing for example. These cells are afterwards replaced by other, new “daughter” cells, identical to the old ones. For some reasons, some of the new cells that appear might have some special defects and this is how cancer is born.

The human body has a great defensive system called the immune system. Each time when a cell with different kind of anomalies appears, the immune system is trying to delete that cell by annihilating it. Sometimes it happens that our defensive system is weak and these cells break free, therefore striving to multiply and voila, cancer!

People should realize that each time this malformed cells loose control we are in danger. There are at least 50 reasons why most of the people have cancer or a very weak immune system. The first place in this hierarchy has been booked for stress as a major reason for almost every disease in this world. The next one is exhaust. People who work too much and do not realize the price they pay for obtaining something might later suffer a lot.

The hereditary transmissions of genetic information can not be neglected in this case. It may also be an important cause. On the other hand, some of the most known reasons that can easily stimulate cancer are: smoking (mostly), improper food, any kind of intoxication and the free radicals.

Cancer has been known from ancient times. It was detected even at prehistoric skeletons of different animals or at Egyptian mummies. The only reasonable way of dealing with such genetic malformation is having a proper attitude towards this issue. Stick closer to the author of these articles in order to find out more useful information. Visit our blog and discover the truth.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Best Natural Remedies for Bad Breath

What is Bad Breath? Bad breath can result from gum disease, tooth decay, blocked sinuses, a throat infection, illness, digestive disorders, or fasting.

Often, however, it is caused by food debris stuck between teeth, by the build-up of plaque or by particularly smelly foods, alcohol or tobacco.

Good dental hygiene and minor changes to your eating and drinking habits are often enough to correct the problem.

How to Avoid Bad Breath?

Avoid drinking coffee and alcohol, or smoking, all of which contribute to bad breath. Sugar contributes to plaque buildup so you should also try to reduce your intake.
Chewing parsley, rosemary, clove, cardamom or dill seeds after a spicy or garlicky meal can neutralize the smell. Peppermint tea also refreshes the breath after eating. Avoid onions, garlic and spicy or strongly flavored foods if you are concerned about your breath.

Complimentary Natural Remedies for Preventing Bad Breath
Add 10 drops myrrh oil, or 3 drops tea tree plus 1 drop peppermint, to 10 ml vodka or brandy. Put 4 drops of this mixture in a small glass of warm water and swish around mouth.

For breath that smells sour in the morning, after a stomach upset or after eating and drinking too much, try the homeo-pathic remedy Nux vomica 6c up to 4 times a day for 7 days. If the cause is tooth decay, tonsillitis or sinusitis, and the tongue is yellow and coated try Merc sol 6c instead. You can also try colon detox if interested!

Don’t forget to brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly. Floss between your teeth every day and use plaque disclosing tablets once a week to reveal areas of plaque buildup. See a dentist and dental hygienist regularly.

The Best Natural Remedies for Anxiety

What is anxiety? Occasional anxiety is a normal response to stressful situations but some people live in an almost perpetual state of anxiety. Lifestyle factors are often to blame, although some people also appear to inherit an ‘anxiety trait’.

Anxiety produces the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline, which can have an unsettling effect on many parts of the body, producing symptoms such as headaches, palpitation, insomnia, digestive upsets, irritability and sexual problems.

How to avoid anxiety?

Tea, coffee, cola, alcohol and sugar-rich foods should be avoided. Instead, drink relaxing chamomile tea, water and fruit juices. Foods rich in B vitamins benefit the central nervous system, so include more bananas, nuts, green vegetables and whole grains in your diet.
Honey is a natural anti-anxiety food and oats can help too; eat one bowl of porridge in the morning and another before bedtime.

Complimentary Natural Remedies for Preventing Anxiety

The herb skullcap is effective for nervous tension, stress or hysteria and PMS. Put 1 to 2 tsp of the dried herb into a cup, pour on boiling water, leave to infuse for 10 to 15 min¬utes and drink a cupful 3 times a day.

If anxiety keeps you awake at night make valerian, passionflower or hops into a tea. Or add 4 to 6 drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil to an evening bath. Inhale 3 drops bergamot, 2 drops lavender and 1 drop chamomile oil from a tissue whenever needed.

The Best Natural Remedies for Acne

What is acne?
This common skin condition often begins at puberty when hormonal activity stimulates the sebaceous glands to secrete excess sebum, which causes the spots, blackheads, pimples and boils. Acne can also occur late in life and in women it is common before or during menstruation.

How to avoid acne?
Aim for a whole food diet rich in fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas, instead of coffee and alcohol. Supplements of zinc and Vitamin A (taken as beta carotene) are also beneficial. Check with your doctor before taking supplements if using conventional acne medication.

Natural Remedies for Preventing Acne

Several essential oils can help. Acne can have many causes but the following advice has been known to help. Never pick the pustules. Gently dab an equal mixture of neat lavender and tea tree oils on spots, using a clean cotton bud each time.

Make a facial wash of 5 drops rosemary, 3 drops sandalwood, 5 drops tea tree, 5 drops lavender, 2 drops lemon in 50 ml boiling water. Leave to cool and use it to wash with, shaking the bottle each time. Use on back, arms, chest and face.

The Best Natural Remedies for Acid Stomach or Heartburn

What is Acid Stomach or Heartburn
Acid stomach or heartburn causes a burning pain behind the breast bone and upper abdomen and a feeling of food being stuck in the chest area. Heartburn occurs when acid from the stomach regurgitates upwards into the esophagus (gullet). The stomach can tolerate strong acids, but the gullet cannot and this is what causes the discomfort. Heartburn is often aggravated by overeating, too much rich or spicy food, alcohol or stress.

How to Avoid Acid Stomach or Heartburn

Eat little and often, chewing food thoroughly, and avoid heavy evening meals. Cut down on rich, spicy and fatty foods and avoid alcohol, coffee and caffeinated drinks which irritate the stomach. Eat alkaline forming fresh fruit and vegetables to counter acidity, and foods that are easy to digest such as rice, potatoes and fish.

Complimentary Natural Remedies for Preventing Acid Stomach or Heartburn

Drink peppermint or chamomile tea after meals. Regular aromatherapy massage helps relieve attack triggering stress. At home, make a mixture of 2 drops fennel, 2 drops ginger, 1 drop clary sage oil and 10 ml carrier oil and massage over the abdomen before going to bed. Do this for at least one week.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Improving your vision is easier than you thought!

Everyone should realize that eyeglasses or contact lenses are in fact our enemy. Some of you might be quite skeptical about this issue, but trust me, there are a lot of things you don't know yet, there are tons of secrets that big companies don't want you to know.

People nowdays are too busy thinking about unimportant things, rather then taking care of their health.

Friday, September 19, 2008

You can overcome your depression too!

Anti-depressants do have dangerous side effects. You should realize from the beginning that there are alternative ways of healing oneself and others. Try to overcome your weakness. Taking drugs is a weakness. If you would like to find some really easy to follow and interesting advices about how to maintain a healthy way of life please revisit this blog daily!

If you do not overcome your tendencies to give up easily your life leads to nothing!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Did You Ever Think About Your Health?

No, really. Did you ever think about your health? Okay, so you think you did, sometimes. But let's be honest. Most people DO NOT THINK OR CARE ABOUT THEIR HEALTH, until they encounter illnesses; and then - they start thinking how to get rid of the pain - as faster as possible, and again, they don't think how to maintain a healthy way of life. And it's not only about your health, it's about the health and illnesses of your pets too, especially when you deal with cure for yeast infection in dogs, which is something very annoying if you don't take the necessary measures in time.

Food, diets, daily exercises for You and Your family's health. All this, coming out, starting with tomorrow, on this blog.